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Don't Give Up, You are Enough

Can you introduce yourself?

Hiiii! I'm McCoy Evans. I'll be graduating Auburn Nursing School in May 2016. FUN FACT: I actually went to The University of Alabama before I transferred to Auburn. (Still a huge Alabama fan though!!) My eyes can change colors, I have a huge obsession with my dog Moose, and laughing is my favorite.

How did you get started with fitness and health?

It's always been a part of my life. I've always played volleyball or danced through out high school. But college was where it got challenging. In College you have fun, then the freshmen 15 hits you. Also life hits you HARD. I realized this and got on the treadmill hot and fast but little did I know then that fitness and health is a lifestyle not just an easy fix. It took me until my senior year of college to realize that.

You've battled depression and anorexia... can you tell us a bit about this?

My sophomore year of college was an extreme low for me. I felt alone and I didn't handle it the right way. Instead of reaching out for help I held it all in. Depression is like a sinking hole, once you let it begin it continues to get worse. With that I didn't eat. I remember thinking the more I lost weight the happier I was going to get. (Let me tell you, it didn't bring happiness). The only way you will find happiness is when you accept yourself for who you are. You need to love yourself before people can love you.

What would you want to say to someone going through a similar situation?

DON'T GIVE UP! You ARE good enough. You ARE beautiful enough. Life is rough, and that's how it is suppose to be. The trials you go through only make you stronger. There is another side and the other side is so much better.

What role do you think the media plays regarding women's health?

It can be positive and negative. It can be positive because I found The Strong Movement though social media. The Strong Movement is literally the best thing ever. It was started by Ailis Garcia and it Is women's lifestyle and workout guide that encourages women to be their best self. It focuses on how a woman can be her best physically and mentally and thats what I love. Because being fit isn't all about your physical self. Fitness is a lifestyle and you have to have the mental set as well. It can be negative because of Photoshop and all these tiny girls out there who are just so unrealistic!!! It's so easy to scroll through and compare yourself. Which I don't recommend. You can't let yourself so that because it will destroy your mental health.

You're currently a college student. How do you maintain a healthy lifestyle?

It is SOOO hard! But the only way I can do it is if I buy my groceries and plan my meals. You will eat so much healthier if you do that. You also have to workout even if it's 30 min of walking a day. It's so good for your mental health as well as physical health.

What is the most challenging part about what you do? Most rewarding?

Are there any fitness or health fads you would encourage people to try/avoid?

I 100% recommend starting your day with a spoon full of Apple Cider Vinegar. There are so many benefits to it that you just can't not do it. If you don't believe me look it up!!! Ps ( I put my spoon full in tiny bit of water with ice and chug it)

Lastly, what does authentic mean to you and in what ways are you authentic?

Authentic to me means real. And to be real in this world is hard with all the fake things out there!! To be real means to be true to yourself and to be true to yourself you have to love yourself!!

Rapid Fire favorites:

Exercise: Cycling

Snack: Watermelon

Quote: "Change your thoughts, Change your world." - Norman Peale

Workout Song: Me and My Girls- Selena Gomez

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