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Authentic is a multimedia, collaborative digital magazine that challenges the problems presented and perpetuated by traditional women’s fashion and lifestyle magazines. With Authentic, our goal is to challenge viewers to deconstruct and reconsider the values and ideologies implicitly or explicitly proposed by traditional magazine publications and simultaneously provide relevant, positive, and inspiring content of its own. We aspire to provide a sustainable context within young women can acquire necessary media literacy skills.


We believe in changing the way beauty is typically defined in the hopes of promoting strong, diverse, and authentic women regardless of age, race, shape, or background. In effect, Authentic celebrates what women already are as their authentic selves and allows them to speak on their own terms, concerns, and passions.

Lauren Saar - Authentic Creator


Hello! My name is Lauren Saar and I am the creator of Authentic. I grew up in Kalamazoo, Michigan but moved to Washington, DC, where I am now a Georgetown University student and athlete on the Varsity Volleyball Team. Passionate about media, writing, and design, I pursued my interests in my studies as a Film and Media Studies student and in various working opportunities, including marketing positions with fashion retailers and editorial roles with HerCampus and CollegeFashionista. Ignited by personal experience and involvment in the media sphere, I am determined to make a difference in women's lives, promoting holistic health and worth regardless of societal influences. After graduation in May 2016, I am incredible excited to marry my fiancé and relocate to Sydney, Australia!

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