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Balancing Your Health and Being a Mom

I am Amberly. I am 26 years old and have a beautiful two year old daughter who watches every move I make. She is my main reason for being so driven to be fit and healthy. I want to show her that being a strong woman phsyically and mentailly is beautiful and something to strive for.

I first became interested in fitness after giving birth and being unhappy with how I looked. It was that superficial. I was 50 pounds heavier than I am now–I started my journey at 185 pounds. I simply wanted to look good in my clothes and feel sexy again. It quickly escalated to more than that. Lifting weight made me feel strong and capable. It showed me I had complete control over my mind and body. I felt like I could do anything I set my mind and goals to.

Nutrition came from the simple fact that I couldn't reach those goals without fueling my body properly. I tell people I eat 95% clean and 5% chocolate. I can't live without it:) My favorite. healthy meal is grilled chicken thigh, sweet potato, and green beans. I still cook with butter and love lots of flavor. I never feel guilty over food. It's freeing. I count macros and that has been a life saver for me. My favorite snack is peanut butter and jelly. It is my preworkout meal every day and helps keep my sugar craving at a minimum. I count calories and measure everything I eat. I'm not saying I never have a cheat meal. Those are a weekly treat I look forward to.

I have a toddler and need all the energy I can get. Now I very much enjoy making healthy, delicious meals for my family and knowing they are healthier because of it is a huge bonus.

Balancing being a mom and getting in my daily workout is sometimes a juggling act, but I know I need it. It is simply part of my day–just like getting dressed and going to work.

If I don't take care of myself I cannot take care of my family with a clear mind. It is my therapy.

My favorite way to stay fit is weight lifting. I love how I leave feeling strong and confident. I love how it has helped shape my body into something I never thought possible. At the age of 27 I am in the best shape of my life. I have more energy and impress myself everyday with what I am capable of doing. It is all because of the training I put in. I love how I have muscles that pop and a strong core. Most people would never guess I was classified as almost obese at one point.

My passion is becoming a personal trainer. I am currently studying for my PT certification through NASM and I am incredibly excited to help others and guide them on their journeys. I can't wait to make a difference in other people's lives.

I love using Instagram as a platform to not only further my future career as a personal trainer and coach, but I love inspiring other women. I think it is easy to become discouraged and exhausted after having children. As mothers we tend to put ourselves last. I want others to know it is possible and attainable to be fit and healthy and a good mother as well. Without my health, I am nothing to my daughter.

I want others to see that I am also someone who gained a lot of weight and stretch marks during pregnancy and suffered from postpartum depression. However, I found my confidence and passion. I didn't lose myself. I want them to know they can do it too. I'm not special– I didn't use weight loss pills or wraps. They can do it and they are strong enough.

I think it is important to be authentic online. There are so many fake people using photoshop and not being real. I like to be the voice to say it is okay to be proud of that extra skin, those tiger stripes, those tired bags under your eyes from sleepless nights. It is okay to fall off the wagon. This is not a race, it is a life long journey.

My advice would always be to believe that you are worth it. Don't let food and cravings define you. It is okay to fail–just get back up. Be stronger than your last mistake–learn from it and become better. Don't worry about spending time on yourself. You deserve happiness and you're worth every second and all the effort.

You can follow Amberly on Instagram @olebattleaxe_fitness

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