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Staying Healthy in College and Owning Your Individuality

Name: Sara Ozer

Hometown: Phoenix, Arizona

Status: Student at Arizona State University and The Strong Movement campus ambassador

Major: Business Communications, Spanish, and Digital Marketing

When and how did you become interested in fitness and nutrition? Fitness and Nutrition have always been a part of my life. I love that I'm so familiar with it because I get to experiment with healthy recipes and try out new workouts!

What is your favorite way to exercise/stay fit? My favorite way to exercise is by running, spin class, and working my abs and legs.

What is your favorite meal/snack? My favorite meal is a big salad with lots of vegetables, and protein on it and a light dressing. For snacking, I really like cinnamon rice cake with peanut butter and jelly on top!

How do you stay healthy in college? I stay healthy in college by eating what I know is good for me. I am Celiac Disease sensitive, lactose intolerant, and don't eat the yolk of eggs so that's helped me A LOT! I really try and just focus on doing as much as I can without getting crazy about it. So, I exercise at least 3x a week, get enough sleep, and drink lots of water.

What do you love about your body? I love that my body has the ability to work so hard while working out, and feel refreshed when I nourish it with wholesome food.

What are your passions/aspirations for the future? For the future, I hope to inspire others with my life. I've been through a lot and really feel that I can provide others with an inspiring outlook on life and how to get to where they want to be. I currently have a blog, where I talk about my favorite beauty products, fashion, and lifestyle. I hope to grow my blog into a business one day!

What does authentic mean to you and in what ways are you authentic? I'm authentic because I am different from everyone else. I realize that nobody has the same life or story as I do, and I've grown tremendously because of it. Authentic means that you cherish the things that set you apart from others; you're unique.

If there's one thing I could tell the world, it's that once you start being secure with yourself, who you are, what you look like, etc., you will find happiness and peace with the world around you. Also, be nice to people, it goes a long way.

Follow Sara on Instagram @saraozer or check out her website

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